The Agdao Dream Center

The Agdao Dream Center will be:
 “A place where broken people are healed and forgotten dreams are revived”
What does the name Agdao mean? Agdao is a plant medicine used to cure convulsions. In the Filipino Bagobo tribe it also means “Elder”.
While asking Pauline (the Filipino administrator of our ministry in Davao) about what Agdao meant to her (without knowing anything about the Dream center vision we had), she said: “For me, Agdao is a land for broken dreams. People resort to living in Agdao because they’re poor. Even when the area starts to progress, the people are still in poor mindset, and with that mindset they live off with whatever help they can get.” -Pauline Locsin
“Agdao is a place where there’s opportunity but not all are willing to take a step to take a risk.” -Pauline Locsin
Thus the Agdao Dream Center will be a place where we will help poor children and their families to see how the Lord will not only supply their needs but help them to become self-supportive dreamers who develop practical ways to better the lives of their families and expand the Kingdom of Heaven.
‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ says: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
We want to give people hope. Practically we want to do more than only feed children. We want to feed them, educate them, provide business opportunities etc.. This will give these children opportunities to dream and grow as we develop leaders who will not only help their families but become agents of change in our city of Davao, the Philippines and in the Nations. It’s a big vision but we have a big God!
Thanks for being there for us to share this vision/dream with!
Here are some ways we envision the Agdao Dream Center will function/look like:
1. A basketball court that can be used as a multi-purpose building (used for large gatherings/church).
2. The Bball court can generate income as they are rented out.
3. The court will be used as a place where large church gatherings can take place.
4. The facility will have classrooms, offices, dormitories and much needed parking.
5. We will have a Christian school for children in our city and from our feeding program there.
6. This facility can be used by local churches to have retreats.
7. A call center or other small businesses will operate and generate funds to sustain the ministry.
8. FIRE School of Ministry will meet here.
9. Our Faith Promise Feeding Program will function out of this place.
10. Souls will be saved and missionaries will be sent out.
We are making a new video with details of what will be needed in a step by step process. I hope to have this video finished by the end of September. Maybe you can share that video at the conference?
Here is a present list of what how we want to prepare the property:
Construction Plans:
1. Take down an old house and clear the ground.
2. Replace the area of old house with parking lot.
3. Build a gate/fence along the road the property faces.
4. Renovate a small house near gate/fence.
5. Take down 2 or 3 mango trees which are right in the middle of the property.
6. Extend a present cement foundation as the floor and future basketball court.
7. Install 4-8 storage containers and renovate them for offices, dorms, classrooms etc..
8. Install a metal roof over the cement floor (Basketball floor) and connect it to the containers.
9. Enclose building to install air conditioning.
10. Install wooden basketball floor.