Swallow’s Nest Project

Swallows Nest is a small non-profit used to assist “at risk” children around the world. Currently, we are working in Nepal, Thailand, Ukraine, Philippines, Nigeria, and Burma. It all began in 2003 when our lives changed dramatically upon finding a newborn baby girl at our gate. We provided the surgery she needed and gained permission from the local authorities to foster and eventually adopt her. Two years later we founded Swallow’s Nest and began accepting more children into our home. Since opening Swallow’s Nest, over 100 children have been cared for and more than 90 children have found forever families through adoption.

In 2015 we returned to the US. We continue to support the operation of Swallow’s Nest through close communication with our partners, board of advisors, fundraising and financial oversight. We also enjoy speaking to groups and sharing our expertise on living abroad and caring for orphans.