Project Love: Tanzania

Jill Omari

Project Love

Project Love is a compassion type ministry that reaches people and families at the most crisis moments of their lives. Often, we come in when people are broken to the core.

We are thankful to project staple food bundles that can carry a family three weeks while they figure out a plan to move forward their lives. Most of our families only receive food just the one time and that is enough to give them a hand up. Several need a second or third bundle.

God has spoken to us about to leave the 99 for the 1. So often we have these small opportunities in life and we often forget how valuable stopping for the ONE is. So our ministry focuses on reaching the “One” and together with you we are changing lives and communities.

Project Love helps widows with monthly food and aims to create a program that can assist in more living cost.
Project Love has fed over 200 families so far since started mid 2020.

For $55.00 you can literally save a life.
For a couple hundred dollars we can give someone a life altering surgery to see or fix a un treated aliment. Thank you .

History of our Project

Project Love was established in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic.  Shortly after the pandemic began, the economic fallout across Africa was massive.

The Omaris work in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. The local economy heavily relies on tourism and international markets. As things were collapsing the elderly and most vulnerable of society were starving.

Project Love started a food bundle program to help

In the midst of our feeding project, we met individuals and families that had “more” needs then just food. Medical need neglected because of poverty alone. Families sleeping in broken mud houses. Mental health of the community was at an all time low.

And in the midst of it all, internationals were getting evacuated out of Africa. The United States were higher airlines to fly their citizens home, parts of the planes were tapped off in plastic as critically ill Covid patients were being brought to safer lands with better equipped hospitals.

The world was wrestling over masks and ventilators and in Tanzania we were hoping for even food for the day. Our community got together and we had hundreds of masks sewn for doctors and hospitals.

The few missionaries remaining dropped denominational projects and we held hands with any and all community projects to fight to help Tanzanians survive. It was an epic season and we felt the hand of God.

Support came in and the government even reached out to us to ask “can we help them as well, with dying cases”. We said “of course”. We have truly seen unity in this all.

So out of this all, we have hired a team. We are full time in ministering to hurting people. 90 percent of everyone we help, is a ONE time thing. We give them 3 weeks of a survival food pack that helps them then get their head on straight and come up with a plan.

The plan may be to move to a relatives cross country, maybe return to the village and regroup. Some have moved in with friends or sold some land to make it forward. However when you have crying kids, bills and you are starving it is hard to see hope. We are there to say “Don’t give up, God loves you”.
We hope to expand this ministry is a way to bring Glory to God. To empower people to not give up, to now do irrational things but to give them a minute to say “God does see you”.

It cost is $55 for a food rescue pack that feeds a family of 4 for three weeks. This is barebones food pack but it carries them through.
We have helped the blind to see, the lame to walk, we have given shelter to the homeless and fed over 100 families. Please partner with us.