Mexico Projects

A.W. & Kathy Jones

1. Yearly Christmas Outreach at the Huizachera Feeding Program.

We are going to help with an event at the FIRE Church in La Huizachera each year. This is a very poor area of the city. There are as many as 300 families that are constantly in need of help. Many of the children don’t have adequate clothing/shoes/food. Some of these children that are attending the feeding program live by drainage ditches containing sewer water. The temperatures get down in the 20’s sometimes during the winter months. That is very difficult for those living in that area. The houses don’t have heat and are not insulated. Many houses don’t have hot water and sometimes the food is cooked on a fire outside the house. We would like to purchase blankets for the children that attend the Saturday feeding program.
Would you consider donating money to purchase blankets, candy or food to help needy families? It’s not a big job if we all do what God puts on our hearts to do.
Total need $1,500
Blankets for 150 children X $12.00 a blanket = $1,800
Any money received over the needed amount for this project will be used for future Evangelistic Outreaches.

2. Medical Clinic Outreaches for 2015 = $2,000 (In 2014 we had 3 clinics)

We help purchase some of the medicines and provide food for the workers.  The more finances we have the more clinics we can sponsor with the Christian doctors here in Guadalajara. These clinics will be held in poorer areas in local churches where medical care is financially out of the peoples reach. Many can either go to the doctor or put food on their tables. They usually choose to suffer through their infirmity. By the time they do get medical treatment it is a much more serious problem since they waited and it takes a lot longer to get their bodies well. The clinics are two fold: to meet the needs of the people and also to share the Love of Jesus with them. Many people give their hearts to Jesus in these clinics.

3. Bibles & Tracts Account

A.W. preaches in various drug rehabs and many of the men don’t have money to purchase a Bible. We have been blessed to be able to purchase Bibles in the past to give to the men but we are going to need more. It would also be a great blessing to be able to give a Bible to people that you lead to Jesus on the street so that they can get grounded in the Word of GOD.  We need $200 to purchase Bibles for the drug rehab and also the outreach in Palos Altos where there are 35 families without bibles that have given their lives to the Lord.

4. A.W. Jones Travel Account

God has opened up many doors for A.W. to travel and minister in many various parts of Mexico and other Spanish speaking nations. During our time here since 2002 A.W. has made many connections with various Pastors locally and also around the nation. These Pastors are asking A.W. to come and minister in their churches and drug rehabs. Many of these places we can drive to but others A.W. or all of us will need to fly or take a bus. As you know traveling is not cheap and most of the offerings from the churches do not cover the expenses of the trip, but we don’t want that to hold us back from ministering. We need to raise $300 a month only for ministry travel.