Faith Promise Feeding Program


Many feeding programs use the word “manna” to title the name of their feeding program in reference to God’s direct daily food provision for Israel while they traveled through the wilderness onto the Promised Land. (See Exodus 16) I believe the Lord is calling the poor of Agdao to a Joshua 5:12 experience, which says: “The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the produce of Canaan.” Why did the manna stop? After Israel finally made it to the Promised Land they began to eat of that land which was God’s inheritance for them. What is the difference between the manna and the Promised Land’s food? The Manna for Israel came because Israel complained to God. The Promised Land food came because it was God’s good pleasure. We believe God wants the poor of places like Agdao to know that He still has a promise for them. That He has not forgotten them. That they don’t have to feel like they have to complain to God to meet their basic needs. He wants to provide just because He loves them. God is not impersonal to need. He provides and even gives of Himself. Why is this important to understand? Because, it is God’s desire that others with the means to help assist in providing for the poor. As we have sensed the Lord moving our missionary focus in the direction of ministering to businessmen I have felt that our Filipino friends in Agdao do not need manna only, but need to receive their inheritance by moving into their land of promise where God responds to their faith to provide for them even from their own people. Isaiah 49:8-9 says: This is what the LORD says: “In the time of my favor I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you; I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people, to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances, to say to the captives, ‘Come out,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’ They will feed beside the roads and find pasture on every barren hill.” You are someone else’s inheritance! We are not here to place a burden, expectation, or even condemnation upon anyone; however, we want to share with you what we believe the Lord is speaking so that as we obey God in this new endeavor we can be sure that He will speak to individual hearts to accomplish His desire. Jesus said, “You will always have the poor among you.” I know that many of you also have felt the pressure to provide for the poor. The need will always be in front of us. The question is will we work together and make sure that we are obedient to what God tells us to do? How will we respond? Will we ignore the need? Or will we meet that need and fulfill Matthew 25:31-46? That is why we are calling this the Faith Promise Feeding Program. (FPFP)

Our goal is:
To listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit at all times.
Connect local Filipino/Chinese businessmen, families, corporations etc. to the poor of Agdao.
Provide weekly 1 meal on MWF to children and mothers who need assistance.
Provide weekly a supplement called “RELIV” instead of vitamins.
Meet the physical need of hunger and the spiritual need of hunger.
Focus on malnourished children and bring them to a place of nourishment.
To have 100 children sponsored weekly for this feeding program.

What will a feeding program look like?
We will have a staff of volunteers working along side 2 paid staff people. We will meet at our present church building from 4-5pm MWF. Children and mothers will come to the building and:
Sing children’s songs, play games, memory verses
Receive prayer
Receive nutritional instruction
Receive medical attention to malnourished needs (as needed)
Receive de-worming medicine (as needed)
Partake of 1 healthy meal consisting of:
Rice, protein, vegetables, fruits, milk
Hear the Gospel presentation
Have a follow up volunteer who will stay in touch with that family weekly

What are the expenses of this feeding program?
There will be start up costs and monthly costs.
The start up expenses will be:
Cooking equipments (pots, pans)
Cleaning equipment
Utensils, plates, cups
Refrigerator, freezer
Additional tables
T-shirts for volunteer staff and paid staff to identify themselves.
Consumables, spices
Total expected start up costs: P57000 or $1300
The monthly expenses will be:
Building usage P15000 or $350
Paid staff P8000 or $185
Food / Drink P25000 or $580
These monthly expenses will cover the sponsorship of 100 children.
The sponsorship for one child would be P500 or $12 a month.

Donations are accepted and needed!
It would be wonderful to have land donated to develop agricultural projects, which would help supply the weekly food that this feeding program would need. Goats, chickens, vegetables, fruits could all be supplemented through land donations. Also, food donations, equipment donations etc.

How will funds/donations be handled?
All funds will be accepted and placed into our church bank account and go through all necessary accountability procedures. Our church is a non-profit Incorporation established through the Philippines SEC called: “His Mission Outreach International Incorporated”. We have a fulltime accountant who is thoroughly trained and who is directly accountable to our oversight team, of which I (Eric Miller) am the head of this leadership team. We also have our personal administrator who will oversee this entire project with me. Visit our website for more information: