Miller, Eric _ Casey


In 2001 the Lord gave us the scripture verse in Isaiah 58:12 which says: “Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.”

If you know anything about our testimony you know the Jesus set us free from a lot: depression, religion, hypocrisy- just to name a few! After this great deliverance we were blessed to be a part of the Brownsville Revival and the School of Ministry which God used to stir our passion to see the lives of people revived and full of purpose to serve Jesus!

We believe the Lord brought our family to Davao City, Philippines for a very specific reason. That reason is to “Restore and Reassign Spiritual Inheritances” here in the Philippines and in the nations.

Before moving to the Philippines Eric came across a book called “Fire In the Philippines”, written by Jim Montgomery in the 1970’s to give an overview of the revival outpouring which took place in our city of Davao. After reading this book, we actually had the chance to meet the key revivalist the Lord used during that time, Dr. Evelyn Thompson. She was 93 years old when she laid her hands on our team as we were transitioning to the Philippines as missionaries.

For the past 13 years we have lived as missionaries in the Philippines. The Lord has consistently led our family to focus on 6 areas of ministry to “Restore and Reassign Inheritances”:

1. Revival in local churches– We have had the opportunity to preach in many churches, carrying the burden for revival. In our local city, across the island of Mindanao, and throughout the Philippines we have seen revival fires burn in the lives of many.

2. Street Evangelism– We have taught in schools, churches, and other settings training many in personal evangelism.

3. Feeding children– Since 2010, we have fed 100+ children every week with our ministry called “Faith Promise Feeding Program”.

4. Missions trips in Asia– We have had the opportunity to minister in Thailand, Nepal, and Japan. In Japan we have developed many relationships and a deep burden for the Japanese people. We have been to Japan 15+ times establishing local churches, ministering to Japanese and Filipino congregations, doing street evangelism and many other different types of ministry.

5. Networking with the Body of Christ- We have always had it on our heart to be connected to the Body of Christ. Serving in different capacities and being relational has opened doors for us to meet many different leaders from church denominations, politicians, celebrities, tribal groups, rich and poor alike. It has been an honor to speak into the lives of many after years of connecting and serving.

6. Discipleship– In June 2015 we started “FIRE School of Ministry” here in our city of Davao, Philippines. We believe this school is part of the inheritance we will to leave for many years as our students also carry a deep burden for revival and missions in the Philippines and to the nations.

How can you help us in prayer and financially?
*Faith Promise Feeding Program: $30 a month or $360 year can help sponsor one child to eat five days a week, hear the Word of God, and be ministered to in an environment where the love of God is displayed with action!

*FIRE School of Ministry: Scholarships of $20 a month or $240 year can help sponsor one FIRE School student to  be trained and equipped for the ministry! One-time gifts help cover larger school expenses and are greatly appreciated as well.

*Travel fund: Plane tickets, visas, other travel expenses. Every 2-3 years we visit the USA as a family. Our round-trip travel costs at least $10,000!! We would much rather stay in the Philippines, but as missionaries it is important that we share with the individuals and churches who support us. It is also important that our children see their family members at least from time to time. (Any parent or grandparent understands this well!)

*Personal Family Needs: For our family of 7, our monthly budget is around $2500. We need monthly supporters  to help us pay our rent, utilities, food and other expenses.
*Vehicle– Presently we need to raise $15,000 to purchase a better, more reliable vehicle that can go in many different terrains and be durable enough to travel as the Lord opens doors across our island.

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