The Father’s Heart Ministry (FHM) started back in April 2004 and is totally based on God’s Word in Matthew 25:34-40. In short what these verses state is that we are to minister to the needy of the world. That is what Carol and I, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, were doing in Israel for many years and are now seeking to do here in the USA.
We are reestablishing and merging the Father’s Heart Ministry with an outreach called HopeTown in Tennessee. Basically, we are prepping meals for the needy who come to the center and we also do “Meals on Wheels” to the elderly and needy. On Friday night the pastor gives a short message and we feed them again. Recently, one of the “Meals on Wheels” recipients asked if there was a way that someone could pick her up for the teaching and the meals. Seeing that we have a van I am praying about getting a transportation ministry going to pick those who need a ride there and back. Also, we help getting donated clothing and other household items displayed and made available to those who need them.
I am also attending a drug and alcohol meeting on Friday nights, sharing with the participants whatever the Father lays upon my heart. Things that I have learned from the past and sharing with those who find themselves in the same situation. I guess you might say that I am counseling them as the Lord directs.
We want to thank those of you who have given in the past in support the people of Israel. Would you consider continuing to partner with us as we share the Father’s Heart of compassion and care to those who desperately need Him?
You can take part in this outreach through your prayers and financial support of this ministry, which can be done through this website. No gift is too small nor too large. In our Father’s eyes He knows your heart and blesses those who partner with Him and the Father’s Heart Ministry. May Father God bless you all as you serve Him.