

Clint & Amy Horst; Diverse Praise Ministries.
In 1998 God gave us His heart to reach young people by pulling out their God-given destinies and teaching them how to steward their gifts. We’ve already seen great impact.  We’ve helped many young people in art, dance, music, and the trades, with life coaching.

God moved our family to Hawaii in 2018 to continue this ministry called Diverse Praise.
We believe that the Lord instructed us to impact this generation in the mountain of arts & entertainment.


Man without vision and without knowing the Father’s love will perish. By encouraging the destinies of this generation, we are restoring hope and identity.


Another big function of this program is to teach leadership and character development.


A few personal & professional facts about Us:
Amy & Clint were youth pastors and leaders in a college groups
been  trained in leadership development, as well as financial management. Amy has taught undergrad or graduate levels. Clint has consulted many in business start ups.
Both Clint & Amy have various levels of musical training instructors.
Our other team leader, Grace Horst, has been leading worship for over 5 years.
Amy is a skilled in dance and fitness instructor, and business development.

God has spent our lifetimes knowing what it means to be mentored and to mentor others.
We love to consult and cast vision into individuals.
We love to help people become activated!


Jeremiah 29:11.
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord…
Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit is upon us, because the Lord has anointed me to preach the good news, bind the broken hearted, and set the captives free.

If you would like to know the specific needs we have for curriculum or equipment, please click here: 

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