

Our family has had the privilege of serving in the Philippines as FI missionaries since 2003. God has been incredibly faithful to us as we have served alongside other FI Missionaries, co-planted, and ministered in many areas of Davao in Southern Mindanao by planting churches, Bible schools, an orphanage, an elementary school, and many livelihood projects. In the summer of 2016 our family and team moved to the province of Malita in Southern Mindinao. Here our team and family have been given a mandate by God to reach out to every tribe and barangay in the Malita region.

We are HIS MISSION MALITA, and under His Mission we have three main arms.
1. His Mission Kingdom Builders
As God leads we reach out in the practical way of building houses and schools, for the widows, impoverished, and those with physically handicaps.
2. Christopher Farms
Here we are building a self-sustaining farm model for feeding malnourished children and reaching out to the youth of the Malita region through feeding programs, and camps.
3. His Mission Tribal Outreach
This is our arm of ministry where we build teams and send them out into the mountain villages to preach, teach and demonstrate the gospel.
Our vision is to plant a base in the Malita region with an atmosphere that is conducive to spiritual growth and the raising up of young people to fulfill their call, as well as help us reach that region for Christ.
Love Your Missionaries in the Philippines,
Kevin, Amber, Caleb, Riley, and Brody Cracknell