We are a committed team of 6 crucial members working together for a common goal, to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ from Alaska to Brazil.

There is me, Jesse, the head of the family and spiritual leader, I try to lead by example according to 1 Peter 5:1-4. There is my wife, Becki, she is only the most beautiful woman in the world. She is a woman of God; she is the heart of the team; is incredibly compassionate and hospitable yet will tell you the truth straight and with love. Corban is our oldest child. He is 10 years old; he is our encourager to share Jesus with those we meet. Zeruiah is our oldest daughter ,8.  She is a mother to all her siblings and other children that she meets; she is the encourager when we fall short. Abigail is our middle daughter, 6 years old , she literally leads those she meets to joy, you can’t meet her and not smile, she is our little intercessor. Last of all, but certainly not least there is Rhema, she is 4. She has a way of drawing love out of others.

We are currently serving Jesus in Alaska through our construction and dog sled tour businesses, as well as local outreach. We reach people from all over the world through the dog sled business, many hear of Jesus for the first time. About 60% of the people are from China, the rest from nearly every continent that come literally to our door to experience mushing and as the doors open they get to hear the gospel of Jesus as well. We are currently in transition from life and ministry in Alaska to answer a call God gave me to Brazil 20 years ago..

Once in Brazil , Our plan is to attend language school, and while there we will explore rural Brazil. West and southwest Brazil specifically, the farming communities and small towns.

Our next step would be to find the area with the most need, those little red or orange dots on the map that signify less than 2% Christian. Once we find that location then we will begin to search for a central location around the greatest need to establish a base. Once we graduate language school we want to,Lord willing, quickly and smoothly transition to the new location, walk around the villages praying, and helping anyone out that we see needs and will accept our help. We will then invite them and their families to our place for supper, Serve them Jesus, plant a church, begin street preaching in the town, raise up leaders that are capable of reproducing Christ in others and spreading the gospel, turn the church over to the people and establish a pastor. We will continue to oversee the local pastor and Lord willing repeat the process in the next town.
The goal will be to plant as many growing, self sustaining, Christ centered churches as by God’s grace and power that we are able. To bring blessings to the communities by Acts 3:26 “When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of the you from your wicked ways.”

Well that is our plan and our vision in a nutshell. This is the outline that we are planning to follow.

We have no idea how long it will take or the obstacles that we will face. We just want to proclaim Jesus to the overlooked rural communities of Brazil, to bring in those from the back roads to the marriage supper of the lamb and make sure they are dressed properly for the occasion.

We want to establish a base so that in the future we can accept other FIRE missionaries, short and long term, and potentially one day start a school capable to train others to spread the fire of the gospel throughout Brazil and the world. I expect our greatest problem will not be the harvesting but the lack of harvesters, but, I also expect God to bring the right people at the right time. We just need to keep our focus on the vision, and especially on Jesus and on our family