Your journey begins here
Why join a missions agency?
It answers the question when people ask, “who is sending you?”
The biblical answer is that the Apostles and others were always sent and supported – with prayer and gifts – by others. This is the New Testament pattern. (Acts 13:1-3; 2 Corinthians 8-9)
FIRE International is an inter-denominational agency that serves the whole body of Christ. Since our beginning in 1999 FIRE International has been helping God’s people do what they are called to do to reach the nations by fulfilling The Great Commission.
Local churches across the United States send and support their missionaries through FIRE International and with our assistance. FIRE International’s purpose is to help missionaries fulfill their call from God.
FIRE International missionaries are involved in many kinds of specific ministries, targeting unreached people groups and communities all over the world. They are engaged in church planting, evangelism, discipleship training, education, feeding children, rescuing trafficked children and adults, youth work, rescuing orphaned babies, and offering services to the poor.
FIRE International workers are currently serving in 25 nations on every major continent. Organizationally, FIRE International does not micro-manage the missionaries ministries. However, we look to balance the need for support, integrity and accountability of our missionaries with freedom to do God’s work in an unencumbered manner.
Some of FIRE International missionaries work directly with indigenous leaders and ministries in the nations, while others are working independently in sensitive or restricted areas of the world, and still others work with U.S. based churches and other organizations.
What does FIRE International do for the missionary?
Relationally, FIRE International Gives Missionaries A Sense Of Belonging To A “Family” Of International Missionary Colleagues. Affiliation With An Agency Like FIRE International Also Gives The Missionary Credibility With Churches At Home And Abroad, And With Ministries On The Field.
TESTIMONY From Andy And Karyn Pricer – Mexico
“We Were Never Called To Go And Make Disciples Alone, Even Pioneers Need A Good Support System Back At The Home Base. After More Than 22 Years On The Mission Field With FI As Our Sending Agency I Can Honestly Say That They Go Beyond Being An Organization And Are More Of A Family To Us. Organizations Will Take Care Of The Many Practical Areas Of Missions That You Will Definitely Encounter On The Field, But A Family Goes Even Further And Protects Relationships And Callings. Fire International, Like A Family, Helps You To Grow In Your Strengths As They Walk You Through Your Weakness. Along With All The Office And Financial Reporting They Perform At The Home Base To Keep You In Good Standing With All Concerned, They Support, Pray, Correct, Visit, And Bring Counsel As You Work Towards All That God Has Called You To Be And Do In The Area Of The World That He Has Called You. Highly Recommended.”
FIRE International’s Reputation As An Established Inter-Denominational Agency Helps Open Doors For Missionaries. Finally, Missionaries Feel Secure In The Knowledge That FIRE International Staff Members Are Working Daily To Care For Their Personal Affairs.
Administratively, FIRE International Provides Many Services That Can Be Difficult For An Individual Local Church To Consistently Provide, Such As Contribution Management And Reporting, Newsletter And Mailing Services, Financial, Legal And Tax Consultant Services, Promotion Of Missionaries And Projects To A Wide Audience, And Up To Date Information About New Trends And Services Related To Missions.
FI provides a wide range of services to support you effectively. They handle your newsletter by receiving it, creating and laying out the letterhead, reworking and editing its content, printing, folding, and redesigning it when needed. They also bulk-mail your newsletter, take it to the post office, and maintain your mailing list. Additionally, FI can order remittance envelopes, update your letterhead, and manage contributions on your behalf.
They process donations so your contributors receive tax credits, handle monthly payroll and banking issues, track reimbursable expenses to reduce taxable income, and ensure you receive a W-2 at year’s end.
FI also maintains a Project Expense Report (PER) list and reminds you of due dates, sends out annual giving statements to your contributors, forwards your mail once or twice a month, and emails monthly reports.
Beyond logistical support, FI prioritizes spiritual care, offering to pray for you, counsel you, and provide pastoral care and accountability through Zoom or Skype. They value a strong relationship with you and are available for mentoring, advice, or simply to listen. FI leaders will occasionally visit you, as well.
FI maintains legal documents such as wills and power of attorney, and assists with tax filing and questions, including retaining paperwork for seven years in case of audits. They also design prayer cards, support visa applications and ordination processes, and respond to inquiries about your well-being. FI raises funds, when possible, communicates with contributors, and highlights your accomplishments. Lastly, they address your questions and concerns, providing ongoing support every step of the way.
FIRE International is seeking committed men and women to exalt Jesus Christ as Lord by impacting this entire generation with the fire of revival by raising up an army of radical, Spirit-baptized laborers committed to taking the gospel of Jesus to the ends of the earth – By life or by death.
1. Complete the application and return it. A $25.00 non-refundable application fee must be included for each applicant. Married couples must apply separately.
2. If married, both the husband and wife must complete an application. Dependent children of applicants are not required to apply.
3. The three recommendation forms must be received before the application process begins. You are responsible to see that they arrive at the FI office.
4. Submit a recent individual photograph with each application. Couples with children should submit a family photograph also.
5. Your application will be reviewed by the Director and Assistant Director of FIRE International, who will contact you for any clarification needed.
6. After your application is reviewed, you will be interviewed by the General Director and Assistant Director.
7. After approval, you must make an appointment for the FIRE International-Missionary Orientation. Orientation will familiarize you with the staff, and help acquaint you with our policies, procedures and services.
1. Upon acceptance you will be classified as a Missionary Candidate. During this stage, initial deputation, orientation, and general familiarization of FIRE International policy will take place. The Candidate will remain in this stage until minimum support level is reached and departure date to the field of service is determined. If the minimum support level is not reached within 18 months from the beginning of deputation, the candidate’s appointment is subject to review.
2. Each candidate must be ordained or licensed by a ministry recognized by the Federal Government. Upon acceptance by FIRE International, candidates without previous ministerial credentials or those who have no affiliation with other ordaining organizations, may be ordained with approval through FIRE Church.
1. Spiritual and Relational
a. Applicants must have had a personal experience of salvation through Jesus Christ. They should also have received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Applicants must be living a consistent Spirit-filled life demonstrated by a walk of faith and obedience to God’s Word. Their Christian testimony should reflect a “good report” by those inside and outside the Body of Christ.
b. Applicants must submit a recommendation from FIRE School of Ministry Faculty, BRSM Faculty, IHOP Faculty, an FSM or IHOP trip leader, student ministry leader, your church’s pastor or your employer.
c. Applicants must have a proven record of giving tithes to their home congregation. Being able to show regular support of missions by offerings is also recommended. We have found through experience that those who have not tithed and supported missions will have a difficult time financially on the mission field. Our policy is that no one will be sent out who does not have a proven giving record.
d. Applicants must demonstrate a willingness to flow with the Administration of FIRE International.
2. Educational
Each applicant should have a working knowledge of God’s Word. FIRE International will receive Brownsville Revival School of Ministry, FIRE School of Ministry graduates and others who meet the qualifications of FIRE International with special approval from the FI board.
a. Applicants must read “On Being a Missionary” by Thomas Hale, “Ministering Cross-Culturally” by Sherwood G. Lingenfelter, and “Survival Kit to Overseas” Living by L. Robert Kohls and turn in a book report to satisfy the minimum requirements to join FIRE International.
b. Applicants should have taken at least one missions trip during their schooling with FIRE School of Ministry, BRSM, IHOP or their local church.
3. Physical
Each applicant and all dependent family members must have a thorough physical examination and medical clearance from a physician before application approvals can be finalized.
4. Marital
a. Every missionary, whether single or married, is accepted on his or her own personal merit.
b. FI requires you to abstain from initiating a courting or marital relationship for the first year of service. The first year is used for intense language and cultural studies as well as to focus on developing your work in the field of your choice. All single FI missionaries are required to inform the administration at the onset of courtship and before announcing their engagement. A prospective marriage partner will be accepted as a missionary only on grounds of meeting FIRE International requirements.
c. No newly married couples will be allowed to leave for the field until the Board feels sufficient time has passed to allow for marital adjustment. A minimum of one year is generally required. However, each couple’s situation will be independently evaluated according to the circumstances and situations at the time of their marriage.
d. A wife is expected to share her husband’s call and participate in and support her husband’s ministry on the field. The establishing of the home and the wife’s ministry to her husband is considered participation.
e. Divorced persons with a spouse still living are accepted by FIRE International contingent upon individual case-by-case review by the Board of Directors.
What Our Missionaries Say About FI
We process payments on a monthly basis and make deposits into your checking account on the 15th of every month. Project deposits are made when requested by the missionary.
We send monthly reports of the contributions that are processed, which you can expect to receive via email around the 7th of each month showing all donations for the month prior.
Yes! Please have your donors write out their checks to “FIRE International” and place your name in the memo line of the check. Checks should be mailed to:
FIRE International, P.O. Box 5306, Concord, NC 28027
Yes, FIRE International has a 10% administration fee for all donations. The 10% allows us to have the services in place to do all that we do for the missionaries and their contributors.
FIRE International is a foreign mission’s sending agency and accepts applications only from U.S. citizens. Applicants, when approved for membership are subject to all applicable U.S. labor laws and must be eligible for employment based on the laws of the United States. We do accept foreign nationals as associates.
Yes! We mail out contribution statements twice a year in January and July to all donors. In addition, our SubSplash donor software allows for the donor to access their giving report.
Yes, we have a one-time application fee of $25 that is paid when you submit an application.
Our missionaries are employees of FIRE International, we DO NOT give 1099’s, INSTEAD our missionaries submit their monthly expenses thus enabling them to minimize their taxable income. Keep track (with documentation) of your ministry expenses so you can claim them each month. We provide W-2’s for your tax records.
Many opportunities are available in a variety of settings to learn about mission work. Your local church, Christian Bible schools, colleges, and universities, through mission books and other types of study materials. While obtaining a degree is a good goal, becoming a life-long learner who is hungry to grow in your understanding of God’s World, the people of the world, and Christ’s Great Commission cause is vital to mission work.
There are a variety of giving websites and services available these days. FIRE International functions just like these sites, so they are not needed when you join us! We offer many ways to give – via our App, checks, bank drafts, credit cards, and simple, clickable online giving and receipting. FIRE International has the added benefit of providing all of our donors a tax deduction for their contributions.